Advertising assessment learner response

 1) Type up your WWW/EBI feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). 

www- you start well with question 1 and the opening to question 2 so we now need to add consistency throughout.

ebi- obviously not studying NHS represent cost you 6 marks: learn this and ensure you know if for future assessments.

leaving out question 4  has cost you another 12 marks: you need to attempt this. Revise galaxy and the key terminology (genre, narrative, intertextuality.

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the mark you achieved for each question: 

Q1: 2/2

Q2: 3/12 

Q3: 0/6

Q4: 0/12

3) Look specifically at question 2 - the OMO 12-mark question. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer. 

ads in the 1950s reinforced dominant patriarchal values and beliefs e.g. women were judged
by the ability to be ‘house-proud’ including the cleanliness of laundry

• Coming out of post-war shortages/rations etc. readily available items such as washing
powder were beginning to make things easier.

• Encouraging women to have a competitive ‘winning’ approach to washing ‘whiteness alone
won’t do’.

4) Now look at question 3 - on the NHS Represent advert. Use the mark scheme to identify one way the advert subverts stereotypes of race/ethnicity and one way it might reinforce stereotypes of race/ethnicity. Try and write points you didn't include in your original answer if you can.

• Subverts stereotypes in key scenes: Kanya King, CEO of MOBO, presented as powerful black
woman in open-plan office behind a MacBook with mise-en-scene emphasising her power
and authority (e.g. costume, pose, expression, setting).

• Black female scientists shown towards end of advert subverts typical stereotypes of
race/ethnicity in the media.

5) Finally, look at question 4. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made regarding the key messages in the Galaxy advert with regards to genre, narrative and intertextuality.

• Galaxy’s key message is ‘why choose cotton when you can have silk’. The message is one of
luxury, pleasure and the quality of Galaxy chocolate.

• Use of Audrey Hepburn also links Galaxy to classic Hollywood style and glamour, nostalgia
for golden age of Hollywood. In this way, genre and intertextuality are crucial in
communicating this key message.


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