Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor: Blog tasks

Arctic Monkeys: Audience

1) What do we know about the Arctic Monkeys audience? Think demographics, psychographics and how they got into the band.

there fan base is white British males who like indie rock and around the same age as them.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor?

The music video is quite unique because it is on a stage, which looks likes its in a club, and there clothes that they are wearing are casual and looks like they just got back from a bar or a pub.

3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to Arctic Monkeys fans. Why did you choose those moments?

At a few bits in the middle and right at they end you can tell it is getting intensely good and you can tell by his facial expressions.

4) How did fans take a leading role in making Arctic Monkeys famous back in 2005?

At gigs, the arctic monkeys would give away CDs and their fans would record them and share them with the social media and more people then started becoming fans of the arctic monkeys.

5) How are fans positioned to respond to the band? What does Arctic Monkeys want fans to think about their video?

They want their fans to think there videos are good, unique and lowkey compare to other music videos. When people see music videos that are different to the rest they enjoy them more because its something new.

Arctic Monkeys: Industry

1) How did the Arctic Monkeys first achieve success and build up their fanbase?

Handing out CDs like there demo track as there fans will share them to social media.

2) Why was P2P file sharing and Myspace an unexpected aspect to Arctic Monkeys' early success?

Because they hadn't released any singles and people could only listen to them on them websites/apps or going to their gigs.

3) How does the rise of Arctic Monkeys differ from how BLACKPINK were formed and became famous?

Arctic Monkeys were put together by an entertainment company, they were all friends from school, whereas Black pink where put together by an entertainment company.

4) Who is Arctic Monkeys record label and how many copies did they sell of their debut album? 

There record label was domino records and on there selling debut they sold over 350,000 albums.

5) Looking at the wider music industry, has the internet been a positive or negative development for record companies and artists? Why?

In my opinion i think it has been positive because there are many social media apps that artists can promote their music on and easier to find more people interested in your music. Also people can leave reviews on them and the artist can see what people think.


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