Summer Project: coursework planning

1) Research: health drink TV adverts

Innocent Drinks

 1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

they can fit 2 Lbs of fruit in the innocent bottle.

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psycho graphics) and explain why.

i think it is aimed at people that are starting or living a healthy lifestyle from ages 15-30.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene.

the fruit is outside as it grows out side this shows that it is in the nature where it is grown.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.

It has the name innocent which suggests its healthy


1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

The vibe the advert gives in the urban city of London.

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.

i think it is aimed at people that play sports and need energy

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert conventions such as voiceover for example.   

multiple different shots and angles


1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

fully nutritional meal in a drink

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.

someone on a diet or someone who is trying to look after themselves physically.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert conventions such as voiceover for example. 

i like it at it shows all the healthy foods that are in the drink and how much effort is put in to making the food that would be eaten. It shows the difference and how easy it is to just have the drink

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.

the man in the advert is quite fit and gives off that he goes gym this represents that he goes gym or looks after himself physically.

2) TV advert planning 

1) What brand of health drink are you going to use? You can use an existing drink.

2) New slogan for the health drink (MUST be original - cannot be existing slogan): 
'Health without the hassle'

3) Main character(s) that will appear in your adverts: 
me or one of my friends

4) Narrative: What will happen in your first advert? 
I'm going to cut the fruit up and try fit it in to an innocent bottle which is nearly impossible and show with facial expressions that it is hard work and then I'm going to get thrown the drink to me and be surprised as I'm getting all the health without the hassle

5) Narrative: What will happen in your second advert? 
the fruit will be dropped into water and then shown in the drink

6) Where will you film your adverts? You need a different location for each advert.
one will be in my kitchen and the other probably outside or in the garden

7) Who will be in your adverts? 
me or my friend

8) What music will you use for your adverts? What voiceover will you use and who will you use to record the voiceover? Note: for music you can use existing music tracks.
the music I'm going to use is 'upbeat and happy background music' and will use my voice for the voiceover with the slogan 

9) How will your adverts appeal to your 15-30 year old target audience? 
most people between this age cares about their appearance and will want to stay fit and healthy and as this is advertised as a healthy drink it will be easy to target them and they will find it appealing.

10) What TV channel and programme would your advert appear during and why? Remember the brief states a mainstream TV channel or streaming service. a channel popular to late teens and whole if twenties as they are my target audience.

3) Statement of Intent


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